题目:Flight to Environmental, Social, and Governance Transparency: Evidence from Foreign Government Procurement Contracts
香港理工大会计与金融学院助理教授。她于2016年获得香港科技大学环境硕士,2021年获得香港科技大学会计学博士,博士期间曾在哥伦比亚大学进行学术访问。孙成竹的研究领域涉及information economics,regulation /laws and ESG, 并教授ESG投资与绿色金融硕士课程。她已经有多篇学术论文在在顶级国际学术期刊上发表,包括金融研究评论(Review of Financial Studies), 会计研究 (Accounting Review), 管理科学 (Management Science),和当代会计研究(Contemporary Accounting Research)。
This study examines whether improved environmental, social, and governance (ESG) transparency enhances firms’ competitiveness for foreign government procurement contracts. Exploiting the staggered adoption of mandatory ESG disclosure requirements across countries, we find that, following the ESG disclosure mandate, firms in the treated countries are more likely to receive foreign governments’ procurement contracts and contracts with higher values than their counterparts in the control countries. This effect is more pronounced for green contracts, suppliers with enhanced ESG disclosure quality after the mandate, and purchasing governments exhibiting a higher degree of ESG consciousness. Moreover, the effect is stronger when suppliers face more intensive competition. Channel tests indicate that the ESG disclosure mandate affects global allocation of government procurements through two channels: increased ESG disclosure and improved ESG performance. Our findings shed light on the role of ESG transparency in contracting with foreign governments.